Author name: adrianagisela

Breathe to relax

How stress affects your brain and how to reverse it When the fight-or-flight stress response was first hardwired into our ancestors’ brains, predators were a top concern.  But, times have changed, we are not running from the tiger anymore, and instead, we spend many hours sitting and being sedentary. The things that stress humans out […]

Breathe to relax Read More »

Improve your balance, vision, and reduce stress with simple eye exercises

Do you experience eye fatigue at the end of a long day at work? Improve your eyesight along with your balance and at the same time, reduce pain, and improve your overall fitness. Without sufficient eye muscle exercise people suffer from double vision and may have chronic tension in their neck. When my clients begin

Improve your balance, vision, and reduce stress with simple eye exercises Read More »

Too Much Sitting Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

I am always trying to encourage you to get off your butt during those long days when you sit all day long. I always insist that the two or three hours of amazing, high energy expenditure workout with me does not make it up for those sedentary 112 weekly hours you stay either watching TV, driving your car, eating your meals, working on your computer, or simply being hedonistic and indulging yourself playing video games, having your nails done, getting a haircut, coloring your hair, chatting with your friends, going to the bathroom, (unless you go pee Italian standing style) etc. How many other “activities” of your every day life can you think of you stay sitting???

Too Much Sitting Can Be Hazardous To Your Health Read More »